Reorient: The Grand Baldachin
Departing from Reorient, our installation for the 2006 Architecture Biennale in Venice , we have transformed the building of the Hungarian Institute in Paris with material we recycled from the Venice show, and added some new bits and pieces.
Donwload our flyer and map of the exhibition from here
Sound Cell Mussels
1000 small speakers playing a composition made of sound fragments from Budapest’s Chinese markets. Sound travels on the gate’s surface. (Cette structure se constitue de 1000 petites enceintes acoustiques, elles jouent une composition de fragments musicaux enregistrés au Marché Chinois de Budapest. Les sons se déplacent sur la surface de la porte.)
Grand Baldachin
Images of the main hall, with Wired Cars (Filet de petites voitures), Radio Arbour (Radio Parasol), and Glittering Waves (Nuages brillants)
Images of the small room of Were-Rabbits doing electric boogie (Boogie électrique des lapins-garous)
Kinetic skeletons of 40 stuffed animals in a forest of LED tentacles. (Cinétique squelettes de 40 animaux dans un forêt des tentacules LEDs.)