Language: English --
Free entrance all day/night
The Smart Studio and guests present a one day seminar with discussions and workshops, where digital technologies meet art and design.
10.00-12.00 morning moderated discussions.
- Paranoid technology
- Remote Presence
- How to work with and relate to technology in art-technology projects
Speakers include: Ingvar Sjöberg artist, head of studio, Tobi Schneidler architect and Thomas Brommé artist, Szakál Tamás artist, Ákos Maróy lead developer, Ferenc Sebő artist, Zoltán Szegedy-M artist
14.00- 17.00
After lunch there are two different workshops that you have sign up to via email below.

The interdisciplinary process from chaos to concept. An example how to work with ideas in interdisciplinary groups using surrealistic and associative methodologies.
Workshop is held by: Arijana Kajfes artist and Magnus Jonsson
Reality interface

Art-technology hands-on workshop, that investigates low cost alternatives in art-technology projects and how to work with them. We will learn how to make wearable digital sound generators, using electronic sensors and basic concepts of physical interactiviy.
Workshop is held by: Loove Broms human computer interaction designer/enginner and Adam Somlai-Fischer architect. Related workshop examples 1, 2
18.30- 24.00
evening performances by electronic sound artists and visuals:
Andreas Tilliander
Stefan Thor, aka Folie
Visuals by Bengt Sjölén , Jens Rudberg and Jesper Kouthoofd, the BeatLight team
and from hungary:
Márton Péter, kriz, xrc, Suefo-mikusz, tigrics

Tilliander, Beatlight, Folie
Andreas Tilliander, Sweden's click-electronica star! Nominated for a Swedish Grammy Award for the second year in a row.
»they say that to be a good poet, the first thing you should do is to stop sleeping at night. and the same should apply for music, when the music is of the kind andreas tilliander makes: poetic in the sense that every sound, every part, is there for a reason. andreas tilliander’s name has, in the last two years, gone from complete oblivion to become almost synonymous with the so called ‘clicks & cuts’ movement that has blossomed in the last few years. t he attention came with the album ‘ljud’, which gained reputation far beyond the narrowest electronic music circles. the interest for his music has never been greater.« (source:
Folie aka. Stefan Thor. A new and upcoming star on the electronica scene.
So far has he released one album, the highly acclaimed "misspass" CD on mitek, wich recently was ranked number 2 in the german magazine de:bugs "best of 2002" chart.
Earlier in 2002 he also became artist of the month in the same magazine.
Folie's music is harmonic but not sweet, with clever beats and funky baselines he is creating unique pieces, always delicate and shifting. (source:
BeatLight is a visual instrument. It is designed for making real-time video in perfect synchronization with live electronic music.
It is not, as many video effects systems, a composite engine for prerecorded or live video streams. Instead all visuals are rendered in real-time from programmatically generated or designed 3-d models and images.
The Smart Seminar Day is the first public appearance of the BeatLight visual instrument, currently in its second iteration prototype.
The participants in the BeatLight project are:
Jesper Kouthoofd, experimental film director Jens Rudberg, game developer
Bengt Sjölén, indepenent game technology researcher
Smart studio ( ) a research group within the Interactive Institute, creates new fusions between art, science and technology. The research proceeds from an artistic perspective that uses and develops different applications in technology. In the context of Svédületes ( ) in cooperation with Millenáris centre and the Swedish Institute
Coordinated by Adam Somlai-Fischer who is )
For more information and workshops please contact the coordinator |